Sample Prayers for Neighbors
Often we like to share content that has been personally helpful to us and our audience. Sample Prayers for Neighbors fall into this category.
Have you ever wondered what exactly to pray for your neighbors? Would you like actual prayers to pray? You will thoroughly appreciate the following sample prayers.
Sample Prayers for Neighbors
Begin today praying for your neighbors. Your prayers invite God to open hearts and doors. His Spirit will move into your areas of influence and God will transform lives and families.
As you pray for your neighbors, you will obviously know some better than others and some not at all. It can be encouraging to use a neighborhood directory, a sports team roster or a workplace job chart to pray by name for those you don’t know well.
Lord, open the eyes of those around me. Turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, so that they will receive forgiveness of sin and begin a relationship with You. Lead me to those who are hungry to know You. May I have a humble boldness to share the Gospel with them.
John 1:12,13
Lord, plant in the hearts of those around me the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. Help them to understand what is right, just, fair, and wise. Let their choices and understanding lead them to greater dependence on You. Increase their faith and knowledge of You.
Proverbs 2:1-6
Lord, I pray that You would bring peace into the lives of those around me. Keep out all discord, pain, and darkness. God, I pray You would bring reconciliation and healing. In trials, bring a peace that surpasses understanding. In all things and in every home, reveal Yourself as the Healer and Restorer. Bring healing to broken marriages, loneliness, abuse, illness, anxiety, fear, or anything else that is robbing them of Your peace. Lord, when a home comes up for sale would you move in someone hungry to know Christ, keep out evil and raise up vibrant believers who will want to be your ambassadors.
Philippians 4:6-7
Lord, I pray that You would bring peace in the relationships of those around me. May You enable them to forgive, and act with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience towards others. Most of all, give them love for You and Your people – a love that acts courageously and sacrificially on behalf of others. Lead them to your saving love.
Colossians 3:12-15
Lord, keep those around me safe. Guard and defend the weak. Let their homes be safe havens. Protect this neighborhood with Your righteous right hand. God, would You remove and keep out all evil.
Psalm 34:7
If any are struggling with sickness, please, O Lord, bring restoration.
Lord, restore the health of my neighbors. May they cry out to you for healing and relief from pain.
Psalm 30:2
Lord, bless my neighbors with work to provide for their own families and have enough to share with others. Give them success. If anyone is out of work, may You provide what is needed.
Psalm 90:17
You can also print these scriptures to pray for your neighbors.
Do you pray often for your neighbors? What have you found most helpful?