English Bible Studies

Life for the sea turtle is in the ocean. Death is certain when drawn away from their natural habitat by any artificial light. Jesus declared, “I am the Light of the world…the light that leads to life” John 8:12. Dig into four studies centered on the life, relationships, miracles, and messages of Jesus from all four Gospels.

Advent is a 4-week study meant to draw our attention to the humble commencement of the Savior of our lives. This study includes four stories from Matthew and Luke for us to learn God’s divine plan for the birth of Jesus Christ and to experience what it was like to be present at these events. With the question and answer format, your thought life will be beautifully interrupted during the Christmas season with the wonder of Christ’s entrance.

BREAD is a nourishing study designed for those who want to savor and examine a slice of God’s fresh Bread daily from a variety of Old and New Testament passages. Readers will focus on one verse of Scripture each week. They will employ four distinct methods of studying Scripture to gain understanding for life application and to share with others.

BUILD challenges individuals to establish a life of personal obedience, following the blueprint and plumb line of Scripture – which results in living a blessed life. Measuring against the truth of Scripture, the reader is able to recognize the counterfeit lies of the world and the enemy through this Book of Proverbs study.

God designed birds to soar, not remain settled in a nest. Stories fill the Bible of those who settled for a life of indifference and disobedience, as well as those who soared on wings of amazing faith. Study the life of a dozen Bible characters as well as teachings of Jesus and Paul in John and Romans. Learn to soar on wings of faith.

God’s Word transforms hearts! The first two HEART studies center on God’s heart for you and how your heart can become Christ’s home. The last two studies guide you to dig into passages that will encourage and strengthen your heart. This Bible Study draws from a variety of Old and New Testament passages.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ have perplexed and amazed all of humanity. Did Jesus Christ really rise from the grave? All of Christianity pivots on this one question. He either accomplished the most epic event in all of life, or he did not. He claimed to be God in human form. He claimed to forgive sin. The weight of these claims alone is worthy of consideration.

LISTEN invites individuals to move away from the static of everyday life and learn to hear to God’s voice. Through this study you will glean from Old and New Testament characters who provide excellent examples of how to listen to God intently and follow intentionally—without delay, discussion, or doubt.

This study helps moms in the ongoing struggle of finding time and/or knowing where to go for their daily “manna.” This spiritual food is essential to sustain heart, soul, and mind. MOMMY is a short, fulfilling study that draws from small portions of Scripture that each pack a big punch in both the Old and New Testaments.

The four SPACE studies feature Scriptures from Matthew, Philippians, Colossians, and James. SPACE uncovers areas in our thinking and daily lives that need to be exchanged with biblical truths. This self-discovery, along with group discussion and personal application, often leads to further Bible study and life transformation.

TRUST is active, not passive; it is where the rubber meets the road. Trust is a confident belief in and obedience to God’s Word regardless of the circumstances and despite the consequences. This will help you discover practical ways to take God at His Word and live accordingly as you study the entire book of Mark, and portions of Matthew and Luke.
Trusting God During A Crisis

Trusting God During a Crisis gently leads you to consider God’s truth while facing your fears, hardships, and/or disappointments. The carefully chosen passages enable you to find hope amidst your current situation. The reading of God’s Word becomes personal and insightful, giving you a greater taste of the truth that He, indeed, is with you.

God wastes nothing (our life circumstances, trials, or past) but weaves everything together for His glory and our good. You will be amazed at the threads woven through the Old and New Testaments as you study the selected Scriptures from week to week.