How to Use the Powerful Tool of Prayer Walking

Prayer Walking is an effective and valuable tool for committing neighbors to God’s supernatural power and purposes. Prayer walking encourages intentional prayer as we walk through our neighborhoods, schools and workplaces.

  1. Make a plan to begin prayer walking on a regular basis.
  2. Pray for people by name when possible, asking God to give you opportunities to serve and build relationships with those individuals. Prayerfully follow through.
  3. Pray for God’s blessings and protection on each home.
  4. Pray that God would open hearts and create a hunger to know Him.
  5. Pray for homes that are for sale:
  • Remove and keep out all evil.
  • Move in those hungry to know Christ.
  • Move in and raise up vibrant believers with a heart to reach those around them and study God’s Word.

You are Christ’s ambassador. God determines your specific time on earth and also the places where you live. Praying for your neighbor could be one of the most loving and valuable things you do for them.