The History Of NBS2GO

During a casual walk on the beach in May 2010, God ignited a vision within Debbie McGoldrick that would grow to become Neighbor Bible Studies 2 Go.
That vision grew out of her many years of leading and helping others to begin neighborhood Bible studies. Debbie was deeply impressed that God was awakening an unprecedented number of hearts in neighborhoods and He had given her the passion, 22 years of experience, and simple tools to help encourage and equip women to grow and multiply neighborhood Bible studies globally.
Debbie has helped dozens of women begin neighborhood Bible study groups for years through numerous workshops in North Atlanta churches. She hosted meetings in her home to encourage and equip new leaders. Yet Debbie knew this call from God was different. He was asking her to broaden the ministry worldwide.
A leadership team was assembled when she returned home to the Atlanta area. She asked these leaders to go away with her for 24 hours of prayer, fasting, and listening to God for more direction. Through this time of listening, God birthed the idea to create a website that would provide resources to equip women to begin, grow, and multiply neighborhood Bible studies around the world.
As the ministry continued to grow, Bible studies were translated into other languages. The ministry of NBS2GO broadened to include not only women, but also men, the workplace, couples, students, and children. The main tagline of the ministry became: Reach the People Around You. Begin a Bible Study.