Love the People Around You
Never underestimate being intentional. Being the first to say hello or extend an invitation can lead to spiritual conversations as you build relationships. God is at work, and He can use you.
Be Curious:
Be aware of your surroundings. Train yourself to be curious about people. As you look around your neighborhood, what can you learn from a “for sale” sign, birthday balloons, or a stork in the yard? These things all provide clues for how to connect with your neighbors. Maybe you see an ambulance or fire truck. Your observations may lead you to take over a meal, sweet treat, or flowers. One of the best times to connect with neighbors is when they move in. Make an effort to meet and welcome them, being sure to leave a form of contact.
Use Dr. Heather Holleman’s 100 Favorite Questions as you get to know neighbors.
Be Intentional:
As you meet your neighbors don’t be afraid to initiate and get to know them better. Coffee, a walk, or a meal are a great place to start. When you make cookies or a loaf of bread for yourself, double the recipe and deliver it to a neighbor. Be a part of what is already going on around you. Attend socials, join a tennis team, etc. Initiate events for your street or your childrens’ classmates – go bowling, hiking, walking or set up a park outing. Maybe even a dog playtime.
Be a Servant:
As you are curious about those around you, needs will arise. Could God use you to help meet one of those needs? Maybe you are handy, and your neighbor is a widow or elderly couple. Offer to run an errand, do yard work, or pick something up while you’re at the grocery store. Maybe you’re a young mom and could use help carpooling or a shared babysitter. You could even switch days and watch each other’s kids so you can run errands kid-free. Be proactive. Ask how you can help others, and don’t be afraid to ask for help yourself. We’re better together!
Learn how to grow in love for your neighbor.